Which Web Conferencing Software Is The Most Popular With Its Users?
- Cisco WebEx Meetings maintains its leadership position despite both its composite and net emotional footprint scores dropping slightly from 2019.
- Zoom jumped from the 10th most popular in 2019 to 2nd place this year on the Data Quadrant, improving both its composite and emotional footprint scores.
- Join.Me and Uberconference join the top ten most popular web conferencing software applications for the first time.
Source Article : https://www.forbes.com/sites/louiscolumbus/2020/04/20/which-web-conferencing-software-is-the-most-popular-with-their-users/?ss=5g#78ae67a15440
These and many other fascinating insights are from SoftwareReview’s latest customer rankings published today in their Data Quadrant Report on Web Conferencing. The report is based entirely on attitudinal data captured from verified owners of each Web Conferencing system reviewed. A total of 934 customer reviews were completed, evaluating 14 vendors. SoftwareReviews is a division of world-class IT research and consulting firm Info-Tech Research Group. You can download the Web Conferencing Data Quadrant Report and Emotional Footprint Report from Info-Tech here. Their business model is based on providing research to enterprise buyers on subscription, alleviating the need to be dependent on vendor revenue, which helps them stay impartial in their many customer satisfaction studies. Please see page 5 of the research study for additional details on the methodology. Key insights from the survey include the following:
- Cisco Webex Meetings, Zoho Meeting, and Zoom are the three most popular Web Conferencing software with their users. Zoom’s popularity is being driven by their customers’ perception of increased business value the software helps create, and its breadth and quality of features. Zoom also received high scores for ease of IT administration, jumping from 69% to 82% between 2019 and 2020. Zoom users also say ease of data integration has improved, increasing from 75% in 2019 to 80% in 2020.
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